

What & Artwork Selection: This art exhibition looks for works from all students and faculty. There are no restrictions on subject matter, form (graphic design, painting, sketching, illustration, sculpture, craft, installation, photography, performance, multi-media, film, etc.), or size. (This exhibition is focusing on the practice itself rather than the content, that’s why it doesn’t require a firm subject matter)

When & Duration: The exhibition is scheduled to take place once each fall, with the date set for the first three days after reading break.

Where & Venue Selection: We provide lots of options for artists to choose from, you will see all options on the submission page. The exhibition site almost covers all public spaces on TWU campus, including back forty. Artists are free to choose wherever is appropriate for them to set up their works.

How & Application/Submission: Applications and submissions will be accepted through our website: artism.life, with each person allowed to submit up to four works. Artists should provide relevant information about their artworks in the submission, such as title, photos, artist statement, manifesto, ideal venue etc. submission deadline is November 6th. We will select from the submitted works.

How & Install: Selected artists will receive an email notification and are required to install their physical artworks (if applicable) to the sites they choose between November 8th-12th (considering the particularities of different forms of artwork, please see the submission webpage for detailed instructions). During the reading break, we will make sure that all submited physical and virtual artworks have been installed, If you are not able to install your works by yourself, please drop your works in art studio (RNT 128) on November 8th (Friday). From then, we can help you to install during the reading break (please see the submission page for detailed instructions about special setting and artwork protection). All materials needed for the creation must be prepared by artists.

How & Participation: The exhibition is open to everyone 10 am to 6 pm, feel free to bring your family and friends. The first day will feature all physical and virtual art displays, while the second and third day will focus on live performances and interactive art. Admission is free for all.

What & Social Effect: Both artists and viewers are using artistic discourse (creation and interpretation) to disrupt the fixed distribution of power within space. Due to the special subjectivity of art, it itself does not form fixed power. The same space becomes different because of the "artwork", which may cause people to think further: that is, the power within the space is actually fictitious and fragile, so even without the “works of art”, we may also be able to break the fixed power structure.